Johannes Hospice Münster
Dear Readers,
The Johannes Hospice Muenster was opened in 1999 as a church-sponsored institution. The very concept of hospice is grounded in the conviction that supporting and caring for people at the end of their life is a clear and essential part of Christian spirit and belief. At the Johannes Hospiz Munster, we support and care for all according to their own needs and wishes, regardless of their religious beliefs, social status or nationality. We follow closely the philosophy of Cicely Saunders, founder of the modern hospice movement.
When people come to us for help, it is our commitment to open up for them a life worth living to the very end. It is not about adding more days to their life, but rather putting more life into their days. The people who spend the last part of their lives with us should feel they are important to us, up to the very last moment. That is why we use all means at our disposal to ensure that the residents of our hospice are not only able to die peacefully, but also to live in dignity until the end.
A short description of each department with its respective area of specialization and service follows. The German pages feature photographs and added detail about the four main departments.
Interested in supporting our work?
Donations are essential for the continuation of our work. Thank you for your support!
Donate by bank transfer
Darlehnskasse Münster
IBAN: DE30 4006 0265 0002 2226 00
Any questions?
Your contact:
Ludger Prinz
Managing Director
Phone +49 251 9337-626
Philomena Brinkbäumer
Head of Public Relations │ Fundraising
Telefon: 0251 37409325